Reflections on my life these days

  • I’m going back and forwards between Aldershot and Dundee these days. Saw that Gun were doing a promo show for the launch of their next album Hombres at the 100 Club in London and decided to go along.

    A trip on the train from Aldershot and then to a dingy hotel close to Hyde Park to drop off my bag before heading into London for the first time in a while.

    Last time at the 100 Club for me was a Punk Rock evening in 1981 and the venue brought a smile to my face after standing in the rain for an hour before getting in. It has not really changed at all! Brilliant place with a magnificent history, right in the heart of London.

    Stood at the side of the stage for a few minutes before the Whirlwind that is the wonderful Whitney arrived. Love this Lady, a true force of nature and a dear friend. Immediately started fussing over me and insisted on getting me my obligatory cup of tea after raiding the dressing room for what was needed.

    We stood and watched Gun, absolutely blown away by the new lineup and the new songs on Hombres along with some Gun classics.

    An evening to remember made better by the company and the guys in the band who were gracious enough to come out for a few words after the show.

    As Gig memories go, I’ll treasure this one for a long time:)






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    200g Quinoa
    750 ml Vegetable Stock
    Zest & Juice of a lemon
    3 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    1 Lge Fennel Bulb sliced in four slices
    2 Roasted Red Peppers (from a jar!) sliced and diced
    1 med Red Onion fine dice
    Lge bunch Flat Leaf Parsley finely chopped
    1 block Chilli Halloumi, sliced 6 slices
    1 tsp sugar
    1 Tbs Honey

    Zest & juice the lemon, add to mini blender with 2 tbs of the oil, 2/3 of the parsley, honey, sugar, salt & pepper – blitz to a smooth dressing and set aside.
    Start by lightly frying onion, pepper in 1 tbs oil for 5mins. Add Quinoa, and fry for two mins. Add stock, cover and simmer for ten mins till liquid nearly gone. While main pan is simmering, griddle fennel slices on high heat for 8 mins turning every two mins. Slice grilled fennel and add to quinoa mix with rest of parsley once ten min cook has completed. Cover Quinoa mix with foil and set aside. Meanwhile, griddle sliced Halloumi until crisp and golden.
    Divide Quinoa mix between two pasta bowls, place three slices of Halloumi on each and dress both bowls with dressing, after first quickly blitzing it again to refresh. Enjoy – we did!
    Lemon can be replaced by two tbs of very good quality balsamic vinegar.





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    Got a bit bored on my day off so rustled up some nice cheese scones.

    2 cups self raising flour
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 heaped tsp baking powder
    1 tbs strong Dijon mustard
    150 ml milk
    60 g butter
    1 small egg

    Oven on to 200 C
    Mix dry ingredients in big bowl. Add butter and work to fine crumb. Add cheese and mix well. Mix mustard and milk and add to well in dry mix. Mix to dough, turn out and knead lightly on floured board. Flatten to 2cm thick, & fold in half to form break. Flatten again to 2cm thick. Cut out 5-6 scones and place on non stick sheet, egg wash and top with cheese. Oven for 15 mins till brown and risen.




